Monday, June 14, 2010

Uhu - Parrot Fish

UHU – Parrot Fish – pronounced: OOO - HOOO

One of the real beauties of the ocean – Red one, Blue ones –
Some folks say “Ho, Da Red kine Da One” – others “Blue One-sweet meat – Da Kine” –
( I say we eat largely based upon looks-presentation of entree – so “hands down – Da Blue Kine the Best”

My favorite “night time dive fish” –( Can poke in daytime – not the same thing as I will explain with pleasure) -

Two sets of teeth – secondary set- (located farther down and in throat ) – some folks like to say these fish have much to do with making our sandy beaches by grinding the coral and small lava rock in this secondary set of teeth.

The Uhu is a ”Limu fish” ( only feeds on the Limu- (seaweed) and lifeforms contained within.

Uhu has an excellent “bone/meat ratio” as compared to most other limu fish of comparable size.

What makes the Uhu so unique – besides it beauty – is this:
At night the ocean comes alive – Big guys come closer to eat the little guys – sea life that  normally lies low - comes out – sea life uses different forms/combinations of protection at night – everybody on the prowl – In short – “ITS  ON” at night and you are just one more sort of food or enemy to predators and or “reflective action” by others.

The Uhu will look for a crevice within the rocks (or under shelf) when it is time to rest.  In so doing it will blow a mucus “bubble” surrounding its remaining exposed area. (to encase the whole body if need be)

Now here is the thing – The Uhu has great speed, It is incredible to witness – and  the “slightest touch” too this “bubble” will cause the Uhu too dart – ( left ? – right ? – down ? – this becomes the issue when aiming the prongs of Hawaiian Sling before letting go)

Three  things –No spear guns – (it is a matter of style) – second – “Head shots only”(body shots ruin the meat and subsequent dining presentation for guests) --- ergo “Hawaiian Sling” – “nighttime” --- ( respect the ocean – the fish – yourself ) –Third: If you are going into an area where sharks are known to be prevalent – and you feel the need for a “An Edge” – (iffy at best because blood in the water is never a good thing )
Bring along your “Bang Stick” (can be hung on arm by use of rubber) – some folks prefer the 44 cal. – I preferred the 12 gauge – double ott.

Preparation :  forget your normal fish scaler – find a deep bucket – sink – use a spoon.
When you scale an uhu the scales are large – consistency of a thumbnail – it must be done with gusto- and these scales will fly everywhere like no other fish.  When done the Uhu’s color and beauty is undiminished, making for that “most  excellent” presentation.

Uhu is best served “steamed” – head on -
Place in foil to do so – pile on lemon grass – thin slices of lime – Heat shoyu (kikoman only – Aloha shoyu not brewed and too salty) along with olive oil ( not boiling but just under)-
Place steamed Uhu in center of table – pass around the “long Chinese chopstix” to each guest – peal back tin foil - ------ Now when the shoyu and olive oil (extremely hot) is rapidly poured over that lemon grass and lime and Uhu all at once there is a huge sizzle that “drives” the taste combination into the Uhu ----  Guests may now dine from all directions around the table with sticks and place the chunks of Uhu onto plate with side dishes.  Save the eyes for special guest – delicacy and will be appreciated.